Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Polaroid

“Why can’t I see them now?” was the question Edwin Land’s daughter asked as they awaited pictures made from a recent holiday. Land was an American inventor and physicist; and this question led to his invention of a one-step process for developing and printing photographs – “instant photography.” The first Polaroid camera sale made to the public was in November, 1948. This first camera sold for $89.95, which was nearly the equivalent to a year’s salary for the average amateur photographer at that time.

Well, I didn’t get that original model . . . I received mine in the late 70’s, but I still remember the excitement of taking that picture, watching the camera shoot out the film card, and seeing the picture develop as you watched. It was like magic! Although the album I have containing these pictures is a testament to the poor quality of the shots, the pictures themselves evoke many memories for me now.

And isn’t that what photography really does? It is a “memory keeper” for the future. How fun it is to sit with an album and reminisce with family and friends over the past.

So, Lesson One is . . . Don’t wait for that “perfect” camera. Start making lots of pictures today, and preserve your family memories

(The above picture of Jerry is a Polaroid from April, 1980 --- 5 months before we married. That cool burgundy car he's standing beside was his "first" car -- purchased used with money he earned from driving a school bus .... by the way, we first met because he was my school bus driver -- the schools employed students as drivers "back then". See how old pictures just keep on preserving good memories?)

(The second Polaroid is of our first home, taken in the New Year of 1981. We were so proud to be able to purchase our trailer and live in the country -- interest rates at the time were over 20%, pushing many housing options out of our reach. Both of our children were born while we lived here, and we have many happy memories of those times -- this picture is treasured as a reminder of humble beginnings.)


  1. That is a cool car but I want the truck in the background!! I love it and its a perfect "Vet Truck"

  2. i LOVE this post and these shots. they are such a reflection of how much photography has truly progressed. and what you say is so true. photography is just that -capturing memories to look back over for years to come. Kudos to you!!!
