Monday, January 11, 2010

The Beginning of a Hobby

 JULY 1984  ---
 I love
this picture!

We were loading Jonathan in his car seat to take him home from the hospital....and this is the expression we got from him.   Doesn't he look excited to travel home with his inexperienced parents?!!  (you should have seen his Dad "securing" him in that car seat for his first ride home) . .. Did you know babies don't come with instruction manuals?!  lol

I knew the Kodak Instamatic (pictured in my first blog post) was not going to be enough for me with such a precious model as this.  Jerry and I stopped at K-Mart on the way home from the hospital and splurged on as nice of a camera as we could afford (considering we just had a baby and had no insurance at this time to help with the doctor or hospital bills!).

We bought a 35 mm Chinon -- and it turned out to be a really good camera.   I am very grateful we had it -- and I can't tell you how many, many rolls of film I used in it -- especially considering we had a beautiful baby daughter 17 months later.   Our only regret is that we could not afford a video camera also.   The video cameras were huge and expensive at that time.   We were not able to get one until Jonathan was around 3 and Rebekah was 2.

The Lesson for today is to always have your camera loaded (from my "film" days) and ready to grab quickly -- especially if you have children ... 'cause you don't want to miss any precious shots.   The time your children are entrusted to you is all so sweet, and all too brief.   Enjoy.


  1. awe! I remember that camera halter thingy....whats it called? That thing was around for a LONG time!

  2. oh me that is a precious, precious baby!!! i HOPE i have one that looks just like him!!! to me, that seems like such a "jonathan" expression :)
    your tip for the day was very interesting to me, b/c, as i traveled back from my trip w/ the 5th graders this evening, i couldn't help but think of my own (future) children and how important it will be to have just the right lens when the time comes to capture all of those special moments.
