Saturday, January 2, 2010

SanShots - New Year's Resolution

I have made a commitment to learn more about photography this year. I enjoy photography has a "self taught" hobby, but I received a nice digital camera for Christmas . . . so I want to learn more about the camera and photography techniques as a whole.
I figured the best way to learn is to commit to a blog where I can share my little discoveries along the way. Usually I am "too busy" to allow myself the time needed to really learn these type techniques -- maybe you the reader can encourage me to stay on my discovery path when my blog fails to show progress.

I might pull out some old pictures and explore the technicalities of why they are favorites. So if you are friend, family, or acquaintance -- you might find your picture on this blog. Since I don't have any "model releases", you will have to contact me if you want the picture removed. lol
I'm going to start by reminiscing about how I got interested in "picture taking" and some past learning experiences.